- vim vscode things. oh yeah before wiping i should probs copy the settings.json
- vim is default mode in terminal?
- nvim is p cool
- super+enter opens terminal, super+shift+w chrome, super+arrow key splits screen, super+m toggles whether window is maximized
- open laptop then click super+shift+w right away does wonders??? these are life efficiency optimizations you don't realize till you have them. like before this, on my windows laptop, i would be doing super+r then type "chrome.exe" to open chrome anyways. like i already liked using the keyboard more and defaulted to it. this just. makes that. more efficient. every. single. time. you open your laptop
- also im realizing i use terminal more than file GUI file explorer on autopilot of terminal takes less friction to open lmfao. #buildhabitswithfriction (the atomic habits idea)
- other things i can do in this vein: shortcut for opening obsidian? (lmao actually i dont rlly even use obsidian anymore i just use vim editor...) what other apps do i use often? a shortcut for vscode maybe. is that necessary given
code .
in terminal exists? maybe worth implementing and like. seeing whether i use it by default.
- super + {1, 2, 3, 4} for switching between desktops (but maybe i like ubuntu or macos' desktop switcher more)
- leechblock is kinda nice (prevents default slip into distraction mode kinda, more friction building habits. copy leechblock whitelist before wiping)
- the bookmark titled "obvious advice"
- the chrome extension that blocks yt recs and makes it look nice
- the chrome extension that like speeds up videos to like 4x or however fast you want
- probably some other chrome extensions, look through them
- defaulting to open toggl track on chrome
- make discord leechblock like 20 seconds lauraaaa
- super+r chatgpt!! more useful if it was perplexity or metaphor lol
- ublock origin chrome ext
i am probably wiping this laptop soon. these things i would want to include in my own linux setup at first.
lol tbh if i switch to ubuntu and have a low friction way of setting up custom keyboard shortcuts, probs a pareto improvement over current setup. like beginner linux user you rlly should not be on arch, harder to find support and wacky ass package managers and lots of bugs when i try to install new packages and i have no idea where to start troubleshooting