webdev inspo board
cool immersive websites:
- https://bruno-simon.com/#cybertruck
- https://www.klick.com/
- http://www.rleonardi.com/interactive-resume/
- https://ncase.me/ everything here lols. but some of my faves: ncase.me/polygon, ncase.me/wbwwb, ncase.me/trust, ncase.me/ballot
- https://acko.net/ SO BASED animation that doubles as a loading bar so pageload time is 0
- https://www.htwins.net/scale2/
- https://www.madhavmalhotra.com/blog/2021-Annual-Reflection
- https://www.jezzamon.com/fourier/
- https://quantum.country/qcvc interactive blog posts are based
- similar: ncase.me/nutshell
- https://bio.school2point0.com/
- https://unpigeon.me/
- this other gamified personal website, i rmbr it exactly in my head but dk how to find it
- kognise.dev
- celeste.exposed
- https://planned-obsolescence.vercel.app
- gwern.net
- lauragao.ca/2022 ;)
- neuroqa
- lauragao.ca/dev
cultivating taste is important. (link david perell taste article.)